10 Milliarden
Bis 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung auf zehn Milliarden Menschen anwachsen. Doch wo soll die Nahrung für alle herkommen? Valentin Thurn sucht weltweit nach Lösungen. Auf der ... - [mehr]An Omnivorous Family´s Dilemma
During a nationwide slaughter of livestock to fight foot-and-mouth disease, filmmaker Yun Hwang suddenly realizes that she has never seen a pig before. She decides to follow Ship-Soon ... - [mehr]Another way (with vegetables)
Another Way asks whether a citizens´ experiment developing new partnership models between farmers and consumers has the power to change society. Starting with the solidarity ... - [mehr]Bikes vs Cars
Das Fahrrad, ein beeindruckendes Mittel für Veränderung. Aktivist*innen und Städte in aller Welt bewegen sich in Richtung eines neuen Systems. Aber werden die ökonomisch und politisch ... - [mehr]Black Hole
Ein Kohlekonzern, 965 Tage lang ziviler Ungehorsam, über 300 freiwillige Festnahmen... Bühne frei für einen der packendsten David gegen Goliath Kämpfe der Geschichte Aus ... - [mehr]Can You Dig This
As part of an urban gardening movement taking root in South LA, people are planting to transform their neighborhoods and are changing their own lives in the process. Calling for ... - [mehr]Dreamcatcher
Brenda is on a mission to disrupt the cycle of neglect, violence, and exploitation endured by girls and women in inner-city Chicago. On any given day, she’s performing interventions with ... - [mehr]How to Change the World
Im Herbst 1971 entschieden sich der junge Journalist Bob Hunter und seine Mitstreiter*innen, ein uraltes Fischerboot, das sie “Greenpeace” nannten, mitten in den kalten Krieg zu ... - [mehr]Pipelines, Power and Democracy
The expansion of Canada’s oil sands industry - one of the most destructive on the planet - represents a huge environmental challenge. And, as Pipelines, Power and Democracy ... - [mehr]Racing Extinction
In his new film Oscar®-winner Louie Psihoyos crafts a thrilling, impassioned call to action for the future of life on earth. Helped out by scientists, environmental activists, ... - [mehr]Requiem for the American Dream
One of the defining characteristics of our time: the deliberate concentration of wealth and power. Noam Chomsky, widely regarded as one of the most important intellectuals alive, unpacks the ... - [mehr]Reversing the Mississippi
A young filmmaker about to give up on society hits the road to search for answers when he meets two men who change everything. A visionary inventor has created ... - [mehr]Salam Neighbor
What is it like to live in a refugee camp with 80,000 others? The two young filmmakers Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple want to find out in the most thorough way possible ... - [mehr]The Divide
This accomplished debut feature illustrates a personal account of how inequality shapes our societies. From the fast-food employee struggling to earn a living to the Wall Street ... - [mehr]The Mask You Live In
Modern masculinity, repressed emotions, and gender stereotypes perpetuated across our culture are well examined in Jennifer Siebel Newsom's powerful new work. Seamless testimony ... - [mehr]The Messenger
The peril of songbirds is a literal canary in the coal mine for humans, if we’re willing to listen and take action before they´re silenced. Pesticides, monoculture, the wholesale destruction ... - [mehr]This Changes Everything
Was, wenn die Klimakrise unsere beste Chance ist, um gemeinsam eine bessere Welt zu erschaffen? Inspiriert von Naomi Kleins Bestseller „Die Entscheidung: Kapitalismus vs. Klima“ ... - [mehr]